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What is the default font?

The default font depends on the browser and on user settings. Traditionally, most browsers have used Times New Roman as the default font (or, on Mac platforms, Times), but nowadays many modern smallish devices often have browsers with other default fonts (e.g., Droid Sans in Android browser).

What happened to basefont> element in HTML5?

HTML 4.01 deprecated the element. HTML5 fully removed it. You should use CSS to manipulate the font style. element defined the HTML font size and color. However, the use of this element for font setting is no longer effective as the most popular browsers do not support it.

What is the default font size in HTML?

The initial value of font-size, which is used when calculating the default font size of html as well as calculating rem and em in media queries, is medium. The 16px comes from user preferences within the browser. See… The base font-size is determined by the users pre-defined preferences within the browser.

What are the best web safe fonts for HTML & CSS?

The following fonts are the best web safe fonts for HTML and CSS: Note: Before you publish your website, always check how your fonts appear on different browsers and devices, and always use fallback fonts! Arial is the most widely used font for both online and printed media. Arial is also the default font in Google Docs.

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